Simple Inversion

To round the day up, it is always good to do a legs up to the wall pose. It is simple yet with great effect. It cab nourish the abdominal organs and send blood over to the lower abs area. Through the legs being raised up, it activates the lymph glands, enhances the...

A little fact about stomach

Our stomach is in the shape of a bag. When stomach is empty , it will shrink. While it is full with our meal, it will increase its size, to around 1.5L. Every minute, the muscle will move / squeeze 3 times automatically. This rhythm goes in line with the signal from...

Energy Lock – Bhandas

Bhandas are energy locks. It is done through tensing certain muscles group, to increase the flow of prana (energy) within our body. There are 3 main energy locks, root lock (mula bhanda), diaphragm lock (uddiyana bhanda) and neck lock (Jalandhana bhanda), applying the...

Do and don’t for yoga practice

Here are some of the do and dont when we are practicing yoga. Hope the little tips will help! Do start with breathing each time, if we don’t have sufficient time to practice, maybe we can do breathing exercise (pranayama) instead. Do be aware of our body condition. It...

How to get started with yoga practice ?

Each of our body condition is different. It will be good to approach a qualified yoga teacher for some lessons before we start practicing on our own. Duration of the practice will depend on how much time we can spare. Some of us are fully occupied with work and house...

Metabolic Rate & Us

Often we hear that high metabolic rate is good, ideal for weight loss, and we are not aging that fast. If we were to google search a bit, we can see recommendation like taking pills, protein powder, energy drinks, to boost up the metabolic rate. But is it really so ?...