Ezcema & Yoga

It is the second time that Eczema is flaring all over. The first time was last year, it was pretty bad. This time round , it goes all over, my face is not exempted. I didnt have the issue of Ezcema prior that that, hence, while others mentioning abt Eczema, I had no...

Kids Yoga for the Very Young Children

Yoga is for everyone, starting the earlier, better it is. For my 21 months old girl, like many others, started to do downward dog on her own when she is less than 8 months old. There is not a need to teach her doing that, more of an instinct that it is what she needs....

Third Trimester – Prenatal Yoga

During the second trimester, we tried to do as much things as we can, knowing the physical limitation during the third trimester; travelling, shopping for baby and maternity stuff, preparing baby room etc. As third trimester comes, our weight increases, tummy becomes...

Prenatal Yoga – Second Trimester

With much worries and anxiety, 1st trimester had passed! With all the blood tests and scan carried out, I stepped into the 2nd trimester. A time when I felt more assured and comfortable. Prenatal yoga could be started once Gynaecologist gave the clearance. Usually my...

Prenatal Yoga – First Trimester

Getting to know that there is a little within us, it is the most exciting & happiest moment ever. It’s like finally , for me ! It’s truly a blessing miracle, especially the age of 40. Yoga has helped me a lot throughout this journey. And in this and subsequent...

Feeling Tired ? Try this

My legs feel tired easily when there is quite a lot of compression onto the lower back (on days that I am lazy to do my routine stretch). Besides doing some gentle back bend, and putting my legs up to the wall to release the tension on the back and feet, there is...

Deep Ocean Mindfulness Practice

Recently I have drawn this using some tutorial online, it turns out to be the reflection of my mind. Hence, decided to do a pretty short mindfulness practice on it. As I close my eyes, the surrounding darken and everything seems to be falling to dead silence....

Simple Inversion

To round the day up, it is always good to do a legs up to the wall pose. It is simple yet with great effect. It cab nourish the abdominal organs and send blood over to the lower abs area. Through the legs being raised up, it activates the lymph glands, enhances the...

7th and 8th Chakra

The seventh chakra, the crown chakra, at the top of our head, the softest spot when we were infant. It has the ultimate say in our mind body and soul. When the crown chakra is opened, we can facilitate the healing through directing the cosmic energy into our body. It...

The Sixth Chakra, Ajna

The sixth chakra, the third eye chakra, ajna , encompasses the brain. It governs the pituitary gland, master gland for the whole endocrine system. It translate ideas and anything we have in the brain cortex into chemicals which determines mainly our metabolism,...