Build up our Resilience through Yoga

For the previous to posts, I have been sharing on the take away from the book, Man’s Search For Meaning, in relates to building strong resilience within us. Yoga practice is crucial as part of our lifestyle because it can strengthen resilience. So how ? Lets...

Headspace – Reversal

Headspace by Andy Puddicombe. The book is very well written, simple to understand and practical. Today I will share on what we can do with emotions, another conversation between the author and the monk. We are very attracted to what we like and become attached to it....

Headspace – Wild Horse

In the book Headspace by Andy Puddicombe , one of the conversation between the author and the monk is on wild horse. And I like the analogy a lot. Imagine that you are trying to grab hold of the wild horse, make it stay at a spot. Is it possible ? No, the horse is too...